Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Rhetorical Analysis of Timothy Quinns Article - 1731 Words

Rhetorical Analysis of Timothy Quinns article Coyote (Canis latrans) Food Habits in Three Urban Habitats Types of Western Washington In the book Engaging Inquiry, Judy Kirscht and Mark Schlenz detail the specifications of a scientific article. They speak about what each section should contain and what questions each section should answer. The article Coyote (Canis latrans) Food Habits in Three Urban Habitats Types of Western Washington was written by Timothy Quinn, a graduate student at the University Of Washington. Quinn follows the K and S model for writing a scientific article. Although he dose deviate from the set model by adding sections in which he feels are important and not completely addressing questions that should have†¦show more content†¦He also mentions the scientist that covered the material before him, stating the flaws in their work. MacCrakens (1982) description of the annual diet of coyotes in residential habitat was based on a small number of scats (n=97) collected during a single month. Atkinson and Shackleton (1991) described the diet of coyotes in an area that was mostly agricultur al (Quinn 89). These mentions of previous studies are meant to show the gaps in previous works that he intends to address, Additionally, none of these studies looked at the diets as a function of human density (Quinn 90). Quinn goes on to mention his objective, My objectives were to document the annual diet of coyotes in three types of urban habitats of western Washington and to qualitatively asses how coyote diets changed as a function of land use patterns and human density (Quinn 90). This statement is very clear and to the point because Quinn wants his audience to know exactly what his objective is and he dose not want his objective to be unclear. This goes to the fact that Quinn is writing this paper with the goal of earning his doctorate degree. This fact may contribute to such a clearly stated objective. Quinns introduction, as it relates to the K and S model, answers all the questions that are suppose to answer. The next section addressed by Quinn is the study area. The study area is not a section set aside by the K and S model but in

Friday, May 15, 2020

Theories Of Leadership And Leadership - 974 Words

Theories of Leadership Introduction It is true that leadership and leadership theories in general, are not scientifically precise in nature. For example, some may argue that going into an apprentice program have a higher level of task-relevance education and/or experience in the field you choose. A higher relevance than a degree in Liberal Arts. Thus, one must evaluate the apprentice program and accept the responsibility of doing the apprentice work. A degree in Liberal Arts scientifically, is not as precise task oriented and relevant to the type of work one will be performing. There are factors to consider when choosing a leadership style. One will enhance their leadership their success as a leader if they would consider the many different factors of leadership. Not everyone prefers to use the same leadership style. What kind of leadership style are you most comfortable with? The answer to this question represents ones natural leadership style. If your natural style is proper for the particular situation, everything is fine. However, when it is clearly wrong for a situation, one will run into problems. This disc ussion will evaluate the situational style of leadership and the transformational, transactional leadership theories. The situational approach requires a leader to analyze and determine the right leadership style. Some factors to consider are the leader-follower relations, the leader’s position of power, and the nature of the audience and the type of workShow MoreRelatedLeadership And Leadership Theory Of Leadership1341 Words   |  6 PagesLeadership Application Jesus Cabral Brandman University The author of this paper has been in various leadership positions for over 20 years. Some positions held by the author have been team leader, Operations Manager, General Manager, and Director of Operations. The author has lead teams with various degrees of education and from many cultures. 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This literature review examines and evaluates major theories of leadership and summarizes findings from empirical research on leadership. Discuss the concept of leadership with a particular focus on the role leadership, such as collegiate organization. This literature will conclude with recommendation to enhance student leadership. LeadershipRead MoreLeadership and Leadership Theories1428 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Leadership is the acts of managing the company through organizational changes that are projected to enable the company in meeting meet its objectives. Leaders are anticipated to carry themselves in the right manner to motivate as well as, influencing the rest of the organization positively, since they act as an example to the rest of the employees in the organization (Sheahan, 2006). This paper therefore analyzes the leadership theories and the methods and tools in given situations

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Earth and Its People Edition 3 Chapter 7 Outline - 2391 Words

The Impact of the Silk Road †¢ The Silk Road at first caused many pastoral groups to form. Eventually, rich families did settleand build large establishments. †¢ The Silk Road allowed the spread of religions ( see chart above ) such as Nestorian Christianity,Manichaeism, Zoroastrianism, and Buddhism. †¢ The stirrup spread though out the Silk Road. It allowed riders to be much more stable and thuscaused military innovation. i.e. the superiority of the Tang calvary in China. The Indian Ocean Maritime System †¢ The Indian Ocean Maritime System was a society of seafarers established across the IndianOcean and South China Sea. †¢ This trade system linked a network of sea trade routes from Africa to China. The main playerswere†¦show more content†¦and (2) the thirteenth through seventeenth centuries c.e. 2. The origins of the Silk Road trade may be located in the occasional trading of Central Asian nomads. Regular, large-scale trade was fostered by the Chinese demand for western products (particularly horses) and by the Parthian state in northeastern Iran and its control of the markets in Mesopotamia. 3. In addition to horses, China imported alfalfa, grapes, and a variety of other new crops as well as medicinal products, metals, and precious stones. China exported peaches and apricots, spices, and manufactured goods including silk, pottery, and paper. | | B. The Impact of the Silk Road 1. Turkic nomads, who became the dominant pastoralist group in Central Asia, benefited from the trade. Their elites constructed houses, lived settled lives, and became interested in foreign religions including Christianity, Manicheanism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, and (eventually) Islam. 2. Central Asian military technologies, particularly the stirrup, were exported both east and west, with significant consequences for the conduct of war. | | II. The Sasanid Empire, 224-600 CE A. Politics and Society 1. The Sasanid kingdom wasShow MoreRelatedSystems, Society and Sustainability Essay3714 Words   |  15 Pagesinfrastructure. This course outlines the challenges of sustainability, introduces some theories which can help think through these challenges more clearly, and applies them to the case of urban water systems. 1. Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course you should be able to: 1. Understand the concept of sustainable development as a response to global crises of ecology and human development 2. Describe the role of engineering systems in achieving sustainable development 3. Outline key features ofRead MorePaul and the Church of Corinth Essay example971 Words   |  4 Pagesthat were expelled from Rome migrated to Corinth for a new start. 1 Corinthians 3:5 The whole chapter was written to reprimand the Corinthian church for their immaturity and the pride they had in their own wisdom. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Multiculturalism and Pluralism in Secular Society

Question: Discuss about the Multiculturalism and Pluralism in Secular Society. Answer: Democratic republic signifies a country that is both a democracy and a republic. In simple words, it means a country wherein the powers and authority of the government is obtained from the citizens of the country itself, and wherein the government itself is functioned through the elected executives. Countries that signify themselves as a democratic republic suggest that their people have a government that is answerable to all of them. Furthermore, it also means that every people (adult) in such a country possess a right to vote in the elections irrespective of any creed, caste, sex, wealth, religion, etc. In addition, a democratic republic country has unrestricted access to media such as internet, newspapers, magazines, other political and civil rights, and a responsible government as a whole (Roald, 2009). In the current scenario, a democracy is representative as always and not direct. In other words, people in a democratic republic country choose their executives to operate the gov ernment and transfer laws for them, instead of voting directly on the laws. The system of checks and balances is considered an integral part of the Constitution. With such a system, each of the three limbs of the government- executive, legislative, and judiciary can restrict the powers of the others, thereby facilitating in guaranteeing checks and balances betwixt these. It is notable that the Constitution has allotted limited powers to these branches so that one cannot become stronger than the other can, and efficiency of work is established. The procedure of law formation is a good example of how the Constitution guarantees checks and balances at work. Firstly, the legislative branch initiates and votes on a particular bill that is forwarded to the executive branch wherein the President possesses the power to decide whether the specific bill is beneficial for the country or not. If he or she is satisfied upon the bills effectiveness, then it is signed and hence becomes a law (Pauline, 2010). If the President is unsure of the bills effectiveness, then it is not signed, and hence referable as a veto. In contrast to this, the legislative branch can gain a further chance and it can surpass the decision of the President, only after getting the maximum number of votes in favor. Hence, the bill can become a law by both executive and legislative branches. Furthermore, once such a law is established, the judiciary branch takes control wherein the people can examine the law via the court system. If the people oppose such a law, th ey can file lawsuit, and the judicial lawyers can present arguments for and against the matter. However, the judge decides the ultimate outcome and the losing party can further appeal to a higher authority. Nevertheless, if the legislative branch does not align with the decision of the judicial branch, a new legislation can be presented, thereby starting the procedure once again. Proposition 209 is even termed as the California Civil Rights InitiativeorCCRI. It is a California ballot proposition that upon the approval in the year 1996 altered the constitution to discard state government institutions from consideration of race, sex or ethnicity majorly concerning the area of public employment, contracting and education of people. The main issue cropped up in 1996 when the U.S District Judge put a restriction on the enforcement of the proposition. The ruling was overturned by three judge panel. Moreover, Proposition 209 has been the chief cause of innumerable lawsuit in the state court since the proposition has been the cause of legal scrutiny over the years (UCLA, 2016). Multiculturalism and pluralism make beneficial ways for the existence of various cultures in a particular society and because of globalization; this has enhanced cultural diversity in various workplaces. For instance, low cost and ease of travel has facilitated in developing cultural diversity in the society (Roald, 2009). The American legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) serves as a voice for special interests in America (state legislatures). The lawyers, lobbyists, corporate personnel, together with the member legislators of the ALEC prepare lobby for and safeguards passage of a broad formation of various bills to encourage corporate interests. Those who suffered reverse discrimination for them the meaning of dissent implies strong disagreement from a particular subject. It means holding an opinion that varies in comparison to the official nature of the definition. Hence, a wide difference is observed. People pursuing elite interests get greater influence on the public policies in comparison to people with minority interests. Furthermore, wherein citizens attained their desired policy result, it was because of the influence of elites instead of minorities. Whilst distributive justice signifies equal distribution of harm and gain, compensatory justice is altogether different from this. In relation to underprivileged groups, this justice suggests consideration from an ethical viewpoint whether they truly deserve this influence and whether they are to be compensated (Roald, 2009). Color-blind society means the group of people who disregards racial attributes while selecting which persons will indulge in an activity or attain some kind of service. In simple words, this society posits the best procedure to terminate discrimination by treating them as equally as possible. There are various type of audits like the financial audit, operational audit, follow up audit, integrated audit, etc. Financial audit it is historical in nature have an independent assessment done with an aim of adhering to the fairness, accuracy and reliable nature of the financial data. Operational Audit this audit is based on future prediction and hence, an independent assessment of the organizational activities can be visualized. Here, there is a possibility of using the financial data but the main sources of evidence include policies of operations and other landmarks that is linked to the objectives of the organization (Drury, 2011). Integrated audit it is a merge of an operational audit, review of the department and the integrated system. Such an assessment provides for a well defined evaluation of the main operation within the university. Follow up Audit This audit takes place after a span of six months and happens after the report of internal or external audit has been issued. It is formulated to ascertain important action that has been taken on the issues reported in the main report. The traditional method of accounting in the public sector pertains to the allocation of manufacturing overhead costs to the manufacture of the product. The traditional method is termed as the conventional method that assign or allocate the indirect cost of the factory to the items that are manufactured on the volume basis like the production of units, direct labor hours, etc (Drury, 2011). By utilizing the machine hours to allocate the overhead of manufacturing to products it implies that the machine hours are the main factor for the factory overhead. In an orthodox manner, this practice is well suited for the public sector and is followed for a very long time. A budget game is a game designed to cover areas such as monthly budget, evaluation of financial plans, etc. the main objective is to create a path that stress on various activities and monitoring becomes easy. Budget game helps in knowing the areas that needs proper attention. This game helps in proper planning and can be followed by organization to fulfill its objectives. Budget theory can be defined as a way to measure and transform plans that is meant for the utilization of physical resources into financial values. It is the main act of adding together the quantities that combines into a well defined economic environment. The economic value is defined in terms of monetary value. Budgeting practice helps in the finance function as it bridges the gap between the planning and control process of the management (Horngren, 2011). The practice of budgeting is closely linked to planning. It projects the expression in financial ways that pertains to an organization and helps in fulfillment of objectives. The primary aim of budgeting is to plan and forecast that will enable the organization in meeting the objectives. The two important objectives of budgeting are: Planning Planning is the sole aim of budgeting and managers are needed to provide a detailed plan so that long term plans can be fulfilled and strategic plans formulated. The annual process of budgeting influences managers to strive for operations that pertains to future, filter the strategic plans that are existing in nature and consider mechanism of how to plan for future scenarios (Drury, 2011). This enables the managers to forecast the problem and helps in fruitful decision making. Coordination The main aim of budgeting is to facilitate and provide a balanced action that pertains to different parts of the organization. It helps the managers to scrutinize the link between the various parts of the organization. Moreover, it aids in decision making and eliminating conflicts (Drury, 2011). It helps the managers in making a prompt decision that goes in favor of the organization. References Drury, C. (2011).Cost and management accounting. Andover, Hampshire, UK: South-Western Cengage Learning. Horngren, C. (2011). Cost accounting. Frenchs Forest, N.S.W.: Pearson Australia. Pauline, M.(2010).Ratification: The People Debate the Constitution. New York: Simon Schuste Roald, A.S. (2009). Multiculturalism and Pluralism in Secular Society: Individual or Collective Rights?. Retrieved November 4, 2016 from https://dspace.mah.se/bitstream/handle/2043/12626/multiculturalism_roald.pdf?sequence=2 UCLA. (2016). The Impact of Proposition 209 and our Duty to our students. Retrieved November 4, 2016 from https://chancellor.ucla.edu/updates/the-impact-of-proposition-209-and-our-duty-to-our-students